Crafting Rounds!

After crafting this repeatedly in my mind for more than a dozen times, one fine day finally I tried my hands on it. A small basket handmade of old newspapers.



It was not as easy as I imagined or visualized in mind when I started it in reality. 😀 The idea was from some video which I viewed somewhere, sometime and as soon as I saw that, I felt that I should do it. I was staying in a hostel then and when I reach home I used to be busy with a lot of other things and this idea got a very higher number on my priority list and hence obviously the severity dropped and it had to step down to a very very lower position in the list for a very very long time.

On one very determined weekend, I decided to push the item up in my priorities. By making a number of small tubes with newspapers and rolling them to the kind of wheel-shaped blocks, and gluing them together I progressed with the task. Made a lot of rounding rounds and after a very very long time, it took this form. I started to make with some other design in mind and finally, it became this 😀 The actual output was a far cry from the expected output.  In Malayalam, we say “അജഗജാന്തര വ്യത്യാസം” 😀

I painted it with some fabric paints which laid abandoned or rather forgotten in the cupboard and the final product was ready. My mother was super excited. I was very happy with the output, no matter how distant it was from my imagination.

I gifted it to my super thrilled mother and she used it to keep her sewing threads in it. The best use of it. 😀 .


Written in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Rounded

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